John Gledhill self portrait.
John Gledhill self portrait.


1969-72: University of Lancaster.

1977-1980: Royal Academy Schools, London. (Awarded First Prize for Life Painting, 1978)

1991-92: Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Lancs.

1996-2000: University of York. Awarded Doctorate.

1998-2002: Tutor in Art, University of York.

2000-2002: Created Module: Fine Art techniques in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking. University of York.

2012: Elected Member of Southbank Printmakers

2012: Public Lecture: ‘Drawing the Probity of Art?’ Kemper Museum, Sam Fox School of Art, Washington University, St. Louis, USA.

Listed in the Dictionary of Artists in Britain since 1945 by David Buckman.

Work held in the National Museum of Wales and in Private.

Collections in the U.S.A., South Africa, Australia, Ireland and throughout the United Kingdom.



‘Bite’ Mall Galleries. 2010, 2011.

Jerwood Drawing Prize. Exhibitor. 2010.

‘Semblance’ Art & Architecture, Richmond 2009.

Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. Open Exhibitions.

‘A Tribute to Lowry’, Gallery 57, Cork St., London. 2007.

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London. 1985, 1988, 1991, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2011.