The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org accepted John’s proposal to donate 50% of the sale of  his large animal art work “The Last Elephant” and 50% the sale of a slection of his linocut prints to the Trust.

John Gledhill, the British artist who created the painting THE LAST ELEPHANT for his poignant art series titled EXTINCTION SERIES sold THE LAST ELEPHANT this August for £2000 with 50% of this sale price donated to the DAVID

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Working in partnership with the Wildlife Trust an exhibition of his large animal art works, which portray these magnificent animals, was shone in May 2014 at the Clink St Artspace.

THE LAST ELEPHANT is one of a series of images on the subject of the extinction of animals, that London based artist JOHN GLEDHILL began working on in the early 1990s. This series also includes the large scale painting THE LAST TIGER 1993 and the forthcoming THE LAST RHINO to complete the triptych. These are the largest land animals on earth and are in the greatest danger of extinction due to poaching and loss of habitat. ‘THE LAST RHINO’. Oil painting on canvas. Dimensions 156 x 186 cms. Painted 2014. This was sold at auction and  50% from the final sale price was donated to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


Although the paintings carry a hard message they are intended to be primarily hopeful and optimistic. For me these animals are themselves magnificent works of art, and by including them in my own art works I wanted to help create a desire in people to hold on to them. By celebrating their beauty in paint I wanted to add my voice to the call to halt their decline before it is too late and help motivate and incentivize people to action no matter how small to save these wonderful creatures. JOHN GLEDHILL


The Victoria and Albert Museum (London, UK) now own the Last Elephant print as part of their permanent collection. Click here to Buy your own print >>    (edition of only 20).

Last Elephant, 49 x 53 cms. £350 (edition of 20).

Last Elephant, 49 x 53 cms. £350 (edition of 20).